Monday 14 July 2014

Economics Chapter 2

Economics : People as Resource

1. Why are women paid less as compared to men at work in India?

• A majority of Indian women are less educated and less skilled as compared to

• As a result many of them end up working in non formal sectors where legal

• As they are very less educated they are forced to accept low paid jobs without

• Though according to the Law the women are supposed to be equally paid

the male counterparts specially in rural areas.

protection is very less and salary is also very low.

any facilities without medical and maternity leave.

like men for the same job in formal sector, they are often exploited and


2. How do you explain the term unemployment?

• Unemployment is said to exist when people who are willing to work at the

• Children under the age of 15 years and old aged people above 59 years cannot

• In India, we have unemployment in rural and urban areas, In rural areas there

going wages cannot find jobs

be considered as unemployed.

is seasonal and disguised employment and in urban areas there is mostly

educated unemployment.

3. What is seasonal unemployment?

• Seasonal unemployment happens when people are not able to find jobs during

• People dependent upon agriculture usually face such kind of problem.

• There are certain busy seasons when sowing, harvesting, weeding and

• Certain months do not provide much work to the people who are dependent

some months of the year.

threshing is done.

on agriculture.

4. What do you mean by disguised unemployment?

• Disguised unemployment usually happens among family members engaged in

agricultural activity. For example, the work requires the service of five people

but eight people are engaged in the same job. We find three people extra.

These three people work in the same plot as the others. The contribution

made the three extra people does not add to the contribution made by the

five people. If three people are removed, the production of the field will not

decline. These three extra people worked for the field are called as disguised


5. Why is educated unemployment a serious problem in India?

• In case of urban areas educated unemployment has become a common

• Many youth with matriculation, graduation and post graduation degrees are

• As study showed that unemployment of graduates and post graduates has

• A paradoxical manpower situation is witnessed as surplus of manpower in


not able to find job.

increased faster than among matriculates.

certain categories coexist with shortage of manpower in others.

6. How unemployment a wastage of human resources?

• Unemployment leads to wastage of manpower resources.

• People who are an asset for the economy turns into a liability. There is feeling

• People do not have enough money to support their families

• Inability of educated people who are willing to work to find gainful

• Unemployment leads to increase economic overload. The dependence of the

• Unemployment is determined to impact on the overall growth of an economy.

of hopelessness and despair among the youth.

employment implies a great social waste.

unemployed on the working population increases.

Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy. It also

wastes the resource which could have been gainfully employed.

7. The problem of unemployment in India is more than it appears. Explain

• In case of statistically, the unemployment rate is low. A large number of

• They appear to work throughout the year but in terms of their potential and

• The employment structure is characterized by self employment in the primary

people with very low income and productivity are counted as employed.

income, it is not enough for them.
sector. Large number of people remain unemployed
8.   How is education important in human capital formation?
·       Education is an important input for the growth of an individual.  It opens a new horizon and provides new aspirations and develops new values of life.
·       Education contributes to the growth of society. It enhances national income, cultural richness and increases the efficiency of the Govt.
·       Educated humans are an asset to the country. Thus contributes to the growth of the country.
9.   Difference of economic activities and non economic activities.
Economic activity
Non economic activity
·       These activities are concerned with the production, exchange and distribution of goods and services.
·       These activities are performed to satisfy emotional and psychological needs
·       These activities are done to earn livelihood
·       Mainly done for self consumption.
·       It is also called market activities and it adds to the national income
·       Non market activities do not have economic motives   behind them
·       Businessmen, professionals & employees etc. are example of economic activities
·       Social works, religious, cultural and charitable activities are the examples.

·        Universalisation of elementary education – a time bound initiative of the Central Government along with state and local Govt.

10.         What do you mean by human capital formation?
·       Human capital is an inseparable and active factor of production.
·       Population become human capital when there is investment made in the form of education, training and medical care.
·        In fact, human capital is the stock of skill and productive knowledge embodied in them.
·       When the existing human resources are further developed into more educated and healthy means,  it becomes human capital formation.

11.         Some countries have highly benefited from investing in human capital. Explain with example?
·       Investment in human resources can give high rates of return in future.
·       In this investment on People is the same as investment in land and capital.
·       Countries like Japan have invested in human resources as they did not have any natural resources.
·       These countries have developed because they invested on people especially in the field of education and health.
·       They imported natural resources from other countries and made efficient use of land and capital.
·       Efficiency and technology evolved by people made these countries rich and developed.

12.         Describe the steps taken by the Govt, to promote education in India?
·       The primary school system has expanded to over 7.68 lakhs in 2004-05.
·       Sarva Siksha Abhiyan was launched to provide elementary education to all the children of age group 6-14 years.
·       Mid-day meal scheme has been implemented to encourage attendance and retention of children and to improve their nutritional status.
·       Back to school camps have been initiated to increase the enrollment in elementary education.
·       The tenth plan endavoured to increase in the enrollment in higher education of the 18-23 year age group.
·       The strategy focuses on increasing access, quality & adoption of specific curriculum modification

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