Monday 9 June 2014

Geography P6

The Islands and The Indian Desert

1. Which islands of India are called Coral Islands?
(a) Lakshdeep
(b) Andman and Nikobar
(c) both
(d) None of these

2._________________ is the only river which drains the desert region .

Geography P5

The Coastal Plains

1. The western coastal strip south of Goa is referred to as
(a) Coromandel  (b) Konkan   (c) Kannad   (d) Northern Circar

Geography P4

 The Peninsular Plateau

1.     Peninsular plateau is a tabular land composed of the __________________,________________________ and _________________________ rocks .
2.     The plateau consist of two broad divisions namely _________________________ and ________________________.
3.     The part of the Plateau lying to the north of the Narmada river is called ______________________.
4.     An extension of the plateau is visible in the north east and is locally known as _______________________,____________________, and the______________________________.
5.     The western Ghats are ____________ than the Eastern ghats .
6.     The western ghats are continuous where as the Eastern ghats are ______________________.
7.     The Highest peak of the western Ghats is ________________________.
8.     The black soil of the deccan plateau is known as _________________________.
9. The highest peak in the Eastern Ghats is
(a) Anai Mudi  (b) Kanchenjunga   (c) Mahendragiri    (d) Khasi
10.The Peninsular Plateau of India belongs to which of the following landmass?
(a) Angaraland  (b) Tethys  (c) Eurasian Plate
   (d) Gondwanaland

11.Which two hills are located in the south-east of Eastern Ghats ?
(a) Mizo Hills and Naga Hills           (b) Javadi Hills and Shevroy Hills
(c) Patkoi Hills and Manipuri Hills   (d) Mizo Hills and Patkoi Hills

Geography P3

The northern plains of India

1.     The northern plains are formed by the three main river system namely :__________________,________________,_____________________________.
2.     In the lower course of the river ,the velocity of the river decreases which results in the formation ___________________ islands .
3.     ________________________ in the Brahmaputra river is the largest inhabited riverine island in the world .
4.     The river in its lower course split into numerous channels due to the deposition of silt , these channels are known as __________________________.
5.     The meaning of Doab is _______________________.
6.     The Northern plain is divided in three sections namely _____________________,_____________________,__________________.
7.     The largest part of the northern plain covered with older alluvium is called _______________________.
8.      The wet and swampy belt of the Northern Region is known locally as
(a) Bhabar  (b) Terai   (c) Doab   (d) Bhangar

9. The world's largest delta is formed by:
(a) Ganga and Sutlej  (b) Indus and Ganga   (c) Ganga and Brahamputra   (d) Indus and Brahamputra

Saturday 7 June 2014

Geography P2

The Himalayan Mountains

1.      The Himalayas are ____________________ mountains .
2.      The mountain ranges run in a west –east direction from the ____________to the____________.
3.      The total distance covered by the Himlayas is about _______________.
4.      The Himalayas consists of three parallel ranges namely ___________,______________,________.
5.      The Himadri is the most continuous range consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average height of ______________.
6.      Kumaon Himalayas lies between rivers __________________________________.
7.      The Height of Mt.Everest above the sea level is ________________________.
8.      Shipkila , Nathula , Bhor are _____________________.
9.      Match the following :

Name of the peaks
Height above the sea level (mts)
1.      Kanchenjunga
2.      Namcha Barwa
3.      Nanga Parbat
4.      Nanda Devi
5.      Mt Everest
6.      Dhaulagiri

a.      7756
b.      8598
c.       7817
d.      8126
e.      8192
f.        8848

1: Find the odd one out :
a)Kanchenjunga (b) Nanga Parbat (c) Namcha Barwa (d) Anai Mudi
2.The longitudinal valleys lying between lesser Himalayas and Shivaliks are known as _______.
(a) Kangra Valley  (b) Patkai Bum  (c) Passes   (d) Duns
3. Lesser Himalayas also called as?
(a) Himadri  (b) Himachal  (c) Shivaliks  (d) Purvanchal
3.A narrow gap in a mountain range providing access to the other side is :
(a) Mound (b) Pass (c) Strait  (d) Valley
4. The largest delta in the world is :
(a) Ganga Delta (b) Mahanadi Delta (c) Sunderban Delta (d) Godavari

5. Which is the highest peak in India?
(a) Mt. Everest  (b) Kanchenjunga  (c) Nanga Parbat  (d) Nandadevi
6. Mountain ranges in the eastern part of India forming its boundary with Myanmar are collectively called as
(a) Himachal  (b) Uttaranchal
   (c) Purvanchal  (d) none of the above


Geography P1

Chapter 2-Physical Features of India


1.      Millions of years ago there was a big super continent located in the southern hemisphere ,today it included South America , Africa , Australia  and Antartica. _________________________________.
2.      Shallow sea ,located between two large landmasses Angara and Gondwana landmass .__________.
3.      When two plates move towards each other and form convergent boundary .__________________.
4.      When two plates move horizontly past each other and form transform boundary ._____________.
5.      When two plates move away from each other and form divergent boundary ._________________.
2. Draw plate boundary and colour .

Animal Tissue