Monday 9 June 2014

Geography P3

The northern plains of India

1.     The northern plains are formed by the three main river system namely :__________________,________________,_____________________________.
2.     In the lower course of the river ,the velocity of the river decreases which results in the formation ___________________ islands .
3.     ________________________ in the Brahmaputra river is the largest inhabited riverine island in the world .
4.     The river in its lower course split into numerous channels due to the deposition of silt , these channels are known as __________________________.
5.     The meaning of Doab is _______________________.
6.     The Northern plain is divided in three sections namely _____________________,_____________________,__________________.
7.     The largest part of the northern plain covered with older alluvium is called _______________________.
8.      The wet and swampy belt of the Northern Region is known locally as
(a) Bhabar  (b) Terai   (c) Doab   (d) Bhangar

9. The world's largest delta is formed by:
(a) Ganga and Sutlej  (b) Indus and Ganga   (c) Ganga and Brahamputra   (d) Indus and Brahamputra

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