Monday 9 June 2014

Geography P4

 The Peninsular Plateau

1.     Peninsular plateau is a tabular land composed of the __________________,________________________ and _________________________ rocks .
2.     The plateau consist of two broad divisions namely _________________________ and ________________________.
3.     The part of the Plateau lying to the north of the Narmada river is called ______________________.
4.     An extension of the plateau is visible in the north east and is locally known as _______________________,____________________, and the______________________________.
5.     The western Ghats are ____________ than the Eastern ghats .
6.     The western ghats are continuous where as the Eastern ghats are ______________________.
7.     The Highest peak of the western Ghats is ________________________.
8.     The black soil of the deccan plateau is known as _________________________.
9. The highest peak in the Eastern Ghats is
(a) Anai Mudi  (b) Kanchenjunga   (c) Mahendragiri    (d) Khasi
10.The Peninsular Plateau of India belongs to which of the following landmass?
(a) Angaraland  (b) Tethys  (c) Eurasian Plate
   (d) Gondwanaland

11.Which two hills are located in the south-east of Eastern Ghats ?
(a) Mizo Hills and Naga Hills           (b) Javadi Hills and Shevroy Hills
(c) Patkoi Hills and Manipuri Hills   (d) Mizo Hills and Patkoi Hills

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