Wednesday 14 May 2014

Biology- Revision (Chapter 6 Tissue)


1.Define tissue.


3.what are the characteristics of plant tissues?

4.What are structural and functional differences between plants and animals?

5.What is the utility of tissues in multi – cellular organisms?

6.Name two main groups of plant tissue.

7.Meristematic cell lack vacuoles. Can you think why?

8.What are the characteristic features of meristematic  tissues?


9.How many types of meristems  are present in plants, on the basis of position?

10.What are plant permanent tissues?

11.What are simple permanent tissues?

12.Explain the structure of parenchyma.What are its major types?

13.Write the main functions of parenchyma.

14.What are collenchym cells? Explain their structure with the help of labeled diagram. What is its major function ?

15.What are the main functions of collenchyma?

16.Describe the structure of sclerenchyma. Write its major functions.

17.What are protective tissues?

18.Explain how the bark of a tree is formed. How does it act a protective tissue?

19.Does the outer most protective layer is throughout continous? If not, what interruptions are usually found on leaves andherbaceous  parts of the plant?

20.Write major functions of stomata?

21.Differentiate between:- Meristematic tissue – permanent tissue  parenchyma- collenchyma

Collenchyma - sclerenchyma



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