Monday 12 May 2014

Biology - Revision (Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life)

1.Cell wall is made up of which component?
2.What is isotonic solution?
3.What is endocytosis?
4.What is the function of mitochondria?
5.What does ATP stand for?
6.Where are genes located?
7.Which organelle helps in photosynthesis?
8.Which organelle is involved in the formation of lysosomes?
9.Which organelle is the storage sac of solid and liquid materials?
10.What is the outermost layer found in animal cell?
11.Give the name of colourless plastids.
12.Who gave the cell theory?
13. which cell organelle do lysosomes arise?
14.There would be no plant life if chloroplasts did not exist.Justify.
15.Why the Golgi apparatus is called the secretary organelle of the cell?
16What are functional regions of cell?
17What is cell sap? Give its composition.
18.Why do the animal cells not have cell wall?
19.What does the cell theory postulate?
20.What is the function of nuclear membrane?
21.Do you agree “ A cell is a building unit of an organism”. If yes, explain why.
22.How is a bacterial cell different from an onion peel cell?
23.Where will you find more number of ribosomes- in cancer cells or in fat cells?
24.If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in hypotonic solution, what will happen to each of them? Explain.
25.Draw a labeled diagram of mitochondria. Write the functions of mitochondria.
26.How will absence of any one of the cell organelle affect the cells working?
27.If you are provided with some vegetables to cook, you generally add salt into the vegetables .After adding salt, vegetables release water. Why?
28.A solution of 3% glucose and a solution of 8% glucose are kept in a trough separated  by a semi-permeable membrane.
29.Give an example for , each of a variable-shaped cell and fixed –shaped cell.
30.Give two similarities between mitochondria and plastids.
31.Name the two nucleic acids present in the cell. What are their function?
32.Give any two differences between the ‘cell membrane’ and ‘cell wall’.
33.What is the important advantage of SEM?
34.Why is endocytosis  found in animals only?
35.What is the significance of pores present on the nuclear membrane?
PLASMA MEMBRANE:- It provides &shape to the cell, it is semi-permeable and allows entry of selected molecules into the cell, it is not elastic.
CELL WALL:- It gives strength & rigidity to the cell, it is completely permeable in nature, it is elastic and controls the cell’s turgidity preventing its bursting.
DIFFUSION:- It occur in any medium, diffusing molecules may be solid, liquids or gaseous solutes, semi-permeable membrane is not required.
OSMOSIS:- It occurs in liquid medium only, it involves movement of solvent molecules only, semi-permeable membrane is required.
RER :- They have ribosomes attached on their surfaces, they manufacture proteins & transport them to various places.
SER:- They don’t have ribosomes attached on their surfaces, it helps in manufacturing lipids and transport them to various places.


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