Saturday 20 September 2014

General Knowledge

1. The cob and Pen are the male and the female of which aquatic animal?

Ans. Swan

2. What is the more familiar name for the disease Rubella?

Ans. German Measles

3. What color are emeralds?

Ans. Green

4. In photography what sort of lens enables a speedy transition from long shots to close ups?

Ans. Zoom lens

5. Which animal lives in lodges and are notable for gnawing trees?

Ans. Beavers

6. Which star can be used to work out where due north is?

Ans. Polaris (Polestar)

7. What is the name given to the collection of 22bones found in the head?

Ans. Skull

8. Which tree has a variety called “Weeping”?

Ans. Willow

9. Which jet black bird lived in the Tower of London for centuries?

Ans. Raven

10. Which stone, a form of calcium carbonate are the white cliffs of Dover?

Ans. Chalk

11. Cocker, Springer and King Charles are the variety of which breed of dogs?

Ans. Spaniel

12. Which leaves can be used to sooth the pain of stinging nettles?

Ans. Dock leaves

13. What turns red in acid and blue on alkaline?

Ans. Litmus

14. The name of which prehistoric animal comes from the Greek for ‘Terrible Lizards’?

Ans. Dinosaurs

15. What is the term for when the moon passes between the earth and the sun and blocks the light 

from the latter?

Ans. Solar eclipse


1. What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that can return to its thrower?

Ans. Boomerang

2. Which breakfast cereal is advertised with the slogan ‘Snack, Crackle and Pop’?

Ans. Rice Krispies

3. In netball, what does W.A. stand for?

Ans. Wing attack

4. What is the term used in tennis for 40-40?

Ans. Duce

5. What sort of animal is the video game character, Sonic?

Ans. Hedgehog

6. Tic-Tac-Toe is an alternative name for which game?

Ans. Knots and Crosses

7. How many players are there in a rugby union team not including the substitutes?

Ans. 15

8. What colour belt are martial art experts entitled to wear?

Ans. Black

9. Ping-Pong is an alternative name for which game?

Ans. Table tennis

10. What term is used for the two people who decide if the batman is out?

Ans. Umpire

11. What is the most expensive property on the standard British monopoly board?

Ans. May fair

12. How many pieces does a player have in ludo?

Ans. 4

13. How many players are there in a basketball team?


14. What colour jersey is worn by the leader in ‘Tour De La France’?

Ans. Yellow

15. In which sport might you do a slam dunk?

Ans. Basketball


1. Kabul is the capital of which country?

Ans. Afghanistan

2. Liverpool lies on which river?

Ans. Mersey

3. In which country does the river Nile meet the sea?

Ans. Egypt

4. What letters do cars from Germany have on them while travelling abroad that show which 

country they come from?

Ans. D

5. In which country did Eyjafallajokull volcano’s eruptions this year affected air flights?

Ans. Iceland

6. In which U.S. city would you find Manhattan, Brooklyn and Bronx?

Ans. New York

7. Which car maker makes Fiesca and Mondeo?

Ans. Ford

8. Which train travels to Europe from St.Pancras station?

Ans. Eurostar

9. What type of boats is most associated with canals?

Ans. Barges

10. What aids to travel does ordinance survey publish?

Ans. Maps

11. Windermere, Coniston water and Ulls water are found on which national park?

Ans. The Lake District

12. Which of the states and territories of Australia is an island?

Ans. Tasmania

13. What is the largest of Channel Islands?

Ans. Jersey

14. Which is the only Bascule Bridge in London whose roads can be raised to either side to allow 

ships to go through?

Ans. Tower Bridge

15. What are the only two counties to have common borders with the U.S.?

Ans. Canada and Mexico

Science and Mathematics

1. What important point did the Scottish Mathematician John Napier come up with during the 17th


Ans. Decimal

2. Which scientist discovered the neutron?

Ans. James Chadwick

3. What programming language was invented by “Sun’s Green Tea”?

Ans. Java

4. What reply did newspaper tycoon William Randolf receive when he sent a telegram to a leading 

astronomer asking “Is there life on Mars? Please reply in about a 1000 word?

Ans. “Nobody knows” 500 times

5. What is the most plentiful element in sea water?

Ans. Chlorine

6. What element is named after a state?

Ans. Californium first produced in 1950 by the scientists at the University of California, Barclays.

7. What name is given to an atomic particle carrying a negative charge?

Ans. Electron

8. Which animals are arthropods and have eight legs?

Ans. Arachnids

9. What computer generated 3D image boogied its way on to T.V’s Allei McNeal in 1998?

Ans. The Dancing Baby

10. What word defines sounds too low for human hearing?

Ans. Infrasonic

11. On what planet is the largest known mountain?

Ans. Mars (the mountain is Olympus Mars which is a volcano more than three times the size of 

Mount Everest.)

12. By which name is Acetyl Salicylic Acid as?

Ans. Aspirin

13. Ascorbic acid is which Vitamin?

Ans. Vitamin C