Monday 8 December 2014


1.Name the branch of science which deals with classification.
2.Who proposed the two kingdom classification?
3.What was the basis of animal classification done by Aristotle?
4.Why a method of classification of animals proposed by Aristotle was not accepted? Explain with an example.
5.Explain the three basic features for grouping all organisms into five major kingdoms.
6.which organisms are called primitive and how are they different from the so called advanced organisms?
7.Who proposed five kingdom classification system of classification?
8.Enlist four main features of organisms placed in protista.
9.Draw labeled diagram of three protozoa.
10.what are the general characteristics of fungi? Give examples.
11.What is the difference between algae and fungi?
12.What is the difference between bryophyte and pteridophyta?
13.What is the criterion for classification of organisms as belonging to kingdom Monera and Protista?
14.In the hierarchy of classification which grouping will have the smallest number of organisms with a maximum of characteristics in common and which will have the largest number of organisms?
15.Why fungi and bacteria are considered as plants even though they do not have chlorophyll?
16.Why bryophytes and Pteridophytes grow in moist and shady places?
17.How do the saprophytes get their food? Give example of saprophyte.
18.Which division of the plant kingdom are called cryptogams? Why are they so called?
19.What are phanerogams? How are they classified?
20.What are Gymnosperms? Give two examples.
21.Why do bryophytes called as amphibians of the plant kingdom?
22.Write two peculiar characters of sponges.
23.Give four features of phylum Coelenterata.
24.Give main features of chordates.
25.Give point of difference between:
( I ) Bony and Cartilaginous fishes
( ii )Bilateral and radial symmetry
( iii ) Notochord and nerve cord.
26.Name the lartgest phylum which is probably the largest group of animals.
27.Write one characteristics each of amphibian and aves.
28.To which group do the following organisms belong and give one reason for each.
a. Cyanobacteria
29.Why gymnosperms do not require water for fertilization?
30. ( a ) Who proposed binomial nomenclature? List three uses of this system of naming of organisms.
       ( b ) What are the two components of a scientific name?
       ( c ) List the conventions that are followed while writing the scientific names.

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