Monday 8 December 2014


1.Name two acute disease.
2.Name two chronic diseases.
3.Give examples of infectious diseases.
4.Give example of non-infectious diseases.
5.Name two protozoal diseases and their casual organisms.
6.Which bacteria causes peptic ulcers? Who discovered it?
7.What is antibiotic?
8.What is the difference between acute and chronic diseases?
9.Why do some children fall ill more frequently than others living in the same locality?
10.Why is immune system essential for our health?
11.Name some bacterial diseases.
12.Making of anti-viral  drugs is more difficult than making antibacterial medicines.Why?
13.Why children should be vaccinated in polio eradication programme?
14.What is the mode of transmission of viruses which cause hepatitis?
15.Define immunization ?
16.Which bacteria causes Acne?
17.What is inflammation?
18.To which tissue or system HIV affects.
19.A doctor / nurse / health worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she avoids getting sick herself.
20.What is cause and symptoms of Diarrhoea?
21.What precautions would you take to justify “ prevention is better than cure “.
22.Why are antibiotics not effective for viral diseases?
23.Becoming exposed to or infected with a microbe does not necessarily mean developing noticeable disase. Explain.
24.How can be in poor health without actually suffering from a particular disease? Give an example.
25.Name the some diseases that spread through air . Explain how they spread.
26.When antibiotics do not harm virus then why do doctors prescribe antibiotics in case of common cold?
27.What are vectors?
28.Why is DPT called Triple antigen ?
29. It was diagnosed that a patient has lost the power of fighting any infection.
( a ) Name the disease the patient in suffering from.
( b ) Name the pathogen responsible for the disease.
30.List three harmful effects of infectious diseases.
31.Give one local and one general effect of inflammation process.
32.We are normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick why?
33.” In our country majority of children are already immune to hepatitis A without giving its vaccine to them”. Justify this statement giving reasons.
34.If a person is suffering from jaundice, name the mode of the transmission and the organ affected by this disease.
35.Why does a person suffered once from small pox cannot suffer with it again?
36.( a ) Doctors diagnosed that radha was suffering from HIV – AIDS. List any two methods by which she might have contacted the disease. Name the organ affected by this disease.
( b ) Why antibiotics cannot be used for its treatment? Justify your answer.
37.Differenciate between communicable and Non- communicable diseases.
38.Explain briefly the two groups of causes of diseases.
39.Two babies are kept in similar physical environment and nourished same type and quantity of food. But one baby suffered with loose motion whereas the other remained normal. Why is it so?
40.What is a pandemic disease? Give one example.

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